
Watch this. Pray for Iran.

This video is ominous:

I ask, "where are WE?"


mango salsa? -- a mixed bag

Here are some 'mixed bag' thoughts:

2 Peter 1:5-7. Faith is the starting point, then goodness, then knowledge. Why does the church always want to start w/ knowledge? This reminds me of the first sin (sorry CC) that mankind wanted to test out the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The sin of wanting to 'be like God.' As Christ-followers, FAITH ALONE must be our fuel. This is a gift of God. Otherwise, we could talk about how good we are because we convinced ourselves that Jesus is who He says He is. Faith is required at the beginning. Faith leads to doing good things for the Kingdom. We do these things because we believe, know and have hope that Jesus is who He says He is.
THEN, we beging to gain knowledge. We understand the Truth of Jesus. Be careful!

I recently went on a field trip with some middle school students to Bluff Cove in Palos Verdes. As we were walking the shoreline, one 7th grader said to me "What do you think would happen if you got in a boat and just sailed out there and kept going?" He added, "What do you think is out there?" I encouraged him and told him that he can set sail one day and find out. He said that he's tried to find out what's "out there." He said that when he plays video games and there's an ocean/water that he's in while playing the video game he tries to sail out into the ocean to see what happens. He said, "It doesn't let me go very far."
HOW SAD that so many kids are bound by video games as a means of exploration, inquiry, and curiosity. What a call for adults, pastors, shepherds, parents, and teachers to give ample opportunity to invest into the lives of our younger generations! Oh the things we're neglecting...


Culture and Sharing the Truth

TV, media, and cultural influences have become a gigantic roadblock to Christ-followers from sharing what we believe to be the Truth.

There is the notion in our American culture that when, or even if, Christians share the Gospel with those who don't believe we are doing things such as:
imposing our beliefs on others
are intolerant
are disrespectful
are socially awkward
are hurting friendships/relationships

among many other things.

The problem is that THE CHURCH HAS BELIEVED WHAT SOCIETY IS TELLING THEM. Instead of listening the One we claim to follow by spreading the Gospel, we sheepishly drop a vauge reference to Jesus and our conviction every once in a while when it seems to not impose on others.

I just recently viewed Penn's (of Penn & Teller) video blog where he details an interaction he had with a Christian who preached to him about his faith. Penn made it very very clear that he was thankful to the man who preached to him and considered him wonderful and kind. Penn recognized that the man was genuine and kind and had nothing but good things to say about him.

This account is in stark constrast to what we as the Church hear from the American culture about sharing the Gospel. Rather, Penn (who is a professing atheist), displays what is most likely the real perspective of those who yet believe in Christ-- a genuine overflow of thanksgiving for being able to hear the Truth spoken in agape love.
