>> What's with the idea that I am supposed to let my son (who's a toddler) act like a monster and play 'guns,' wrestle, and 'act like a boy,' when it looks NOTHING like Christ? This I don't like. I hate the whole line that goes "we're trying to raise boys in an effeminate society." So what if my kid wears baggy jeans or skinny jeans. If my son becomes a star quarterback or a ballad-singing piano player it won't make a difference to me. I care that He responds to God's call in his life to follow Jesus. 'nuff said!
>> I was inspired to think about what certain exercises I could implement into my life. It seems that it would be beneficial to begin acting Christ-like INTENTIONALLY whether my emotions are guiding me or not. Maybe I should visit a senior-citizens center and spend time with them even though I don't FEEL CALLED to do it. It is something that shows the Kingdom and It's power without my emotions being served. Other things on this possible list could include: watching my neighbor's kids, volunteering to do a little extra at work or church, going on a missions trip, getting rid of my TV so I spend more time with my wife, and making a written list of everything I'm thankful so I DON'T FORGET them.